Read our latest bulletin: June - July 2023

Published 10 Jul 2023
Written by
Oscar Kilo
National Police Wellbeing Service
Reading time
10 mins

Welcome to the Oscar Kilo, National Police Wellbeing Service latest bulletin which covers June and July 2023. Read on to find out what we have been up to and what to expect from us in the coming weeks.

What we've been up to

National police wellbeing survey 2023

We wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU to the 41,000 people who took the time to fill out our National Wellbeing Survey. The survey is now closed and we’re looking forward to reading the final report, which will be published by Durham University towards the end of the year.

Samaritan webinars

Following on from the agreement of a suicide prevention consensus statement and the launch of our suicide postvention toolkit last year we are continuing our partnership with Samaritans by bringing you a series of five new webinars.

These webinars investigate some challenging subjects including emotional wellbeing, self harm and suicide and are now available to book using the link below.

The webinars have now taken place, but good news if you missed them we have uploaded the recordings to the website for anyone with an Oscar Kilo account to view.

Access webinars

Female police officers and staff to receive breast health education and have PPE tested

There are over 50,000 females working in UK policing who can wear body armour as part of their role. Feedback shows they can be uncomfortable and even painful when worn for hours. We are delighted to be working alongside breast health experts from Lincoln and Portsmouth Universities to provide support and advice for officers and staff, and test the effectiveness of protective gear on women’s bodies.

Read more about the project

Operation Hampshire training course launched

A new Operation Hampshire online training package, produced by Me Learning, is now available to anyone working in policing in England and Wales. It has been designed to be accessed by individuals of all ranks and roles so they can increase their understanding of Operation Hampshire.

The course will help officers and staff understand the impact of assaults and talk through the key elements of a basic assaults response plan. There's also some great advice and learning for post-assault supervision including the benefits to officers and staff of a supportive and meaningful response to assaults.

Access the training

To access the course you must have a College Learn account, available to anyone with a email, they can be created on the College of Policing website here. Once you are logged in just search Operation Hampshire, the course lasts around 40 minutes.

Launch of 'Meaning' film and wraparound 

On 20 June we launched a brand-new short film and mental health awareness package entitled; ‘Meaning’. This is the second in a series of films being developed, to create awareness, spark debate and self-reflection. 

This film follows 'Jake', a mid-service response officer as he navigates his career. It picks up on issues around the mental and physical demands of the job, hindrance stressors, and has a big focus on the impact of policing on family life.

How to access the resource

If you are interested in rolling this film out in your force you can find full details on how to using the link below.

Meaning film

Oscar Kilo new social media accounts

Have you checked out our new social media accounts yet? There's lots of exciting work and projects coming in 2023 and to ensure we reach as many people as possible we have launched two new social media accounts Facebook @OscarKiloUK1 and Instagram @oscarkilo_UK 


What's coming soon

Announcement of the Oscar Kilo Awards

This Thursday (13 July) we will be announcing the winners of the 2023 Oscar Kilo Awards. We're really excited to get together with all the entrants to celebrate the great work they have been doing to provide wellbeing support across policing.

The live event takes place at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester and we will be announcing the winners and the runners up for each of the categories throughout the afternoon. Winners will also be announced on our Twitter account with a full round up being published on our website on Friday 14 July.

More about the OK Awards

Five day sugar solution challenge

Are you ready to embark on a journey toward better health and wellbeing? We invite you to explore the benefits of cutting out sugar from your diet for five days. Our sugar solution challenge, developed by our Nutrition for Wellbeing expert Anna Earl, takes place from 17 to 21 July.

Each day during the week we will be publishing a new video from Anna with instructions and guidance on how to follow the five day challenge. To get involved check out our five day sugar solution page below.

Five day sugar solution

New peer support training

Peer support coordinators course

Our peer support coordinators course will give you an understanding of how to set up, implement, recruit peer support within your organisation and how to keep it energised. It is a one day course delivered on MS Teams.

Peer support refresher course

Our peer support refresher course is designed to enhance your knowledge of peer support which will also help you build on your self-care and resilience skills. This training aims to refresh and enhance the skills of existing peer supporters and teach them how to implement self-care plans to assist colleagues they are supporting. This is a half day course delivered on MS Teams.

These training courses will commence in October, if you are interested get in touch.

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