Wellbeing toolkit A-Z

Line managers play a critical role with wellbeing in Cambridgeshire Constabulary. They are the ‘front line’, managing staff on a daily basis through the stresses and strains of a demanding role. The value of an approachable, supportive and engaging manager cannot be overestimated. 

The wellbeing toolkit A-Z guidance document has been produced as part of the wellbeing presentation which formed part of the autumn 2017 chief constable’s seminars.  The ‘delegate pack’ has been designed for use by all staff, but particularly as a reference guide for line managers. The toolkit lists all possible resources available to help line mangers support their staff.

How it works

Coupled with Mind, Cambridgeshire Constabulary created a mental health toolkit which sits on our wellbeing portal in the intranet and is regularly updated. It’s easy to implement and our wellbeing champions use it regularly to signpost. Ideally we would like to create a more interactive process through the document.

Top tips for implementation

Tip 1
Need a dedicated resource to update regularly.
Tip 2
Need an IT platform to host it .
Tip 3
Needs to be easily found by searching ‘wellbeing’.
Budget required

Ease of implementation


Impact on investigators


Link to resources

Wellbeing toolkit A-Z 