No email day

Merseyside Police have made the last Friday of every month ‘no email day’ between the hours of 9am – 9pm. 

This initiative is designed to take pressure off staff once a month with regards to the often unmanageable nature of our email driven culture. Staff are invited to consider alternative means of communication. For example, will a telephone call or speaking to the person face to face achieve the same goal as an email? 

How it works

Communication strategy established and driven by the investigations command team to all ranks across the strand. The ‘why’ behind the initiative has been effectively communicated to all staff and followed up with articles in the wellbeing newsletter. Prior to the end of the month the poster is displayed on the wellbeing noticeboards and repeated in the newsletters to remind staff. Staff are encouraged to set an out of office reminder so all are reminded on the day of the initiative.  The poster created has clear branding and is instantly recognisable. 

‘No email day’ is also reinforced at the strand wellbeing meetings with all wellbeing champions. Command team support essential to ensure success of initiative. Staff engage when it can be seen that all ranks take the initiative seriously and demonstrate they are invested.

Top tips for implementation

Tip 1
Create a communication strategy in order to have an effective means of communicating initiative to all staff.
Tip 2
Create a recognisable branding for the initiative.
Tip 3
Repeat communication: In order to embed within your culture repeated communication and support at command team level essential.
Budget required

Ease of implementation

Impact on Investigators


Link to resources

No email day - poster     